Why are so many Democrats and Liberals blind to the fact of what Biden’s administration has done to harm America? Do they not pay bills, buy gas and food, or see the joke that America has become on the world stage?
I recently moved back to the US after a five-year expat assignment in Tokyo. It’s true that prices have gone up and that inflation is an issue.
But you know what else is true? Inflation is an issue worldwide these days, not just in the US. We’re coming out of a global pandemic that screwed up the supply chain, there’re wars in Palestine & Ukraine & the entire world is in a pretty bad place. Joe Biden may not be my favorite person in the world, but he has about as much to do with the price of gasoline in the US (which is still damn cheap by int’l standards) as did Trump or any other US President, i.e., not much.
As far as America being a joke on the world stage, tell me you’ve never been outside the US w/o telling me you’ve never been outside of the US. Get out of your bubble, turn off Fox News / NewsMax / OANN & try reading English language news in other countries. The Trump administration was the biggest embarrassment to America in the past 50 years & did damage to our reputation that won’t be rectified for decades. Until Trump, the rest of the world knew that more than a few of us were off the deep end, but at least those people weren’t in the majority. With his election, though, we passed a tipping point & it proved to the world that “Oh shit…we really can’t trust the Americans any more. If they put Trump in power this time, who the hell might they vote for next time?”.