On the Light Side of Democracy vs. Autocracy
Julia Louis-Dreyfus hosted what JD Vance would call, “A coven of semi-menstruating witches,” 8 Democratic Women Governors Panel, starts at 16:55 mins in:
Bill Maher after the DNC: A month ago the Repubs thought they had it in the can. Now they’ve lost their mojo. Even JD Vance’s couch said, “Not tonight. I’m not in the mood.”
Dem Rep Pat Ryan from NY, a Westpoint graduate, called Trump a military term: FUBAR (Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition).
Walz: A little bit of Dad and a little bit of Chris Farley’s energy, in the best Chris Farley way possible.
Democratic Party is a broad-based party:
New words/Phrases:
Roe, Roe, Roe Your Vote
More catchy words and phrases about the candidates:
Classy vs. Trashy
Leaders you can look up to.
Leaders you’d let your kids to spend time with.
Cool vs. Weird
Not the cute ‘weird” but the dastardly kind of weird like “Let’s Praise Putin!”
8/16/24 Monmouth Poll: Among Democrats, enthusiasm level has risen from 36% a few months ago to 85%
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—In a move that infuriated her Republican opponents, on Monday Kamala Harris announced that her economic plan would include a $10,000 tax credit for households with cats.
“For too long, Americans with cats have shouldered an unfair burden,” said Harris, who revealed that a household with multiple cats would receive $10,000 per cat.
Shortly after her announcement, Sen. JD Vance alleged, “Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, and their far-left cronies are plotting to turn America into a giant litter box.”
“Mark my words,” Vance said. “If the Democrats are elected, millions of cats will come swarming over the border to give birth to anchor kittens.”
Borowitz: Vance Attacks Cats Who Do Not Have Kittens warning, “Soon we will be a country overrun by mice.”
A statue honoring John Lewis replaces former Confederate monument in Georgia