Recommend 117  Share  Tweet132 Comments 132 New France Passes Law That Makes A Coronavirus Health Pass Required For Dining And Travel The law requires all workers in the health care sector to start getting vaccinated by Sept. 15, or risk suspension. It also requires a “health pass” to enter all restaurants, trains, planes and some other public venues. It initially …

Oligarchy: When Brutal Capitalism Becomes More Important than Democracy

In an oligarchy, the rich can get away with anything and average people who try to stop harm to themselves and their communities get crushed. We’re now there; the question is whether we’ll pull back from this horror show, or whether it’ll continue its evolution toward a full-blown police state. The Sackler family, whose criminal …

The Plot to Destroy Democracy, The Plot to Betray America & How Russia is Destroying Democracy ~ Malcolm Nance

Author Malcolm Nance Covers His New Book, “The Plot to Betray America” In “The Plot to Betray America,” Malcolm Nance, New York Times bestselling author and renowned intelligence expert, reveals exactly how Trump and his inner circle coordinated and eventually strategized to commit the greatest act of treachery in the history of the United States: …


Trump Jr. uses bigotry to defend bigot when Tucker Carlson called the ‘worst human being’ ‘Audit director’ blocked from entry after data he shared “very closely” matches official tally ‘I did indeed delete the tweet’: GOP lawmaker tweets comparison between Dr. Fauci and Jim Jones Daily Kos relies on thousands of grassroots donations to make …