Donald Trump, George W Bush, George W Bush


September 23, 2021 – After I watched the movie “Vice” featuring Dick Cheney and how he influenced the course of America and the world, I realized his heir apparent is his daughter, Liz Cheney. The world has been subjected to the orange clown, a ridiculous dictator who’s split the world, polarized America, and has taken over the Republican Party. Now our country is ripe for a Republican moderate. Liz has been training for this her entire life. Right on cue, George W. Bush (Cheney’s President, the puppet he controlled) grows a pair and steps out to challenge Trump.

The fight now begins to restore the “Republican glory”, to what they had accomplished under their golden years during the leadership of Reagan, Bush 41, and Bush 43. All during those years, Cheney was in the background influencing and pulling strings. He started as an intern under Donald Rumsfeld in the Nixon administration and has gained power plotting and scheming all along. He never lost his vision and has just stepped back to put in his second string, Liz Cheney.

Republicans certainly know how to create and maintain a vision that takes years to manifest. They’re very Orwellian and Machiavellian. We were so beaten and abused under Trump that Liz and Bush almost seem angelic in comparison. But there’s the trap. We run from the extreme to the “normal” moderate Democrat or Republican. Nothing changes. Covid and climate change kill us while the rich get richer, head to Mars, and leave behind a devastated planet. Our drama and trauma financed their escape. Nice guys.

Years in the making, Democracy dies and the facade is maintained so we the people, the slaves to the rich, never get it, never quite understand what hit us. Most are too stupid to go beyond the “Illuminati conspiracy theories” to get to the heart of the matter–who really controls this planet and ALL information, all news, all media to reinforce and maintain their agenda that’s been with us all along. Someone controls the human narrative. Who?

Cheney, the power behind the Presidents

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