Time to mandate vaccines. Eventually, if these viruses keep circulating around the planet and our country, mandates will expand and exposing people to deadly diseases will be criminalized. It’s still a crime to expose someone to HIV in many parts of the world.
When I started kindergarten back in 1959 I had to get vaccinated. My mother held my hand as we stood in a long line to get the polio vaccine that was in the form of a sugar cube. When I went to work on a military base in a remote location, I had to get vaccines. Vaccines have been with us for centuries. Vaccines work and are safe. Time to care about yourself and humanity and get vaccines to protect all of us.
Floridians are somewhat insane believing conspiracy theories over science. Yet, when sick they go to hospitals for treatment. So if you don’t believe in science, why are you using science (medicine) to cure you of a disease you could’ve prevented had you followed science and got a vaccine in the first place. Now young people are dying. Your immune system is not going to save you from a deadly virus.
Time to get your shot before it’s mandated and you won’t be able to work, travel or go to many places and events. Governments will do their job, which is to protect their citizens, especially children. Spreading diseases is criminal and immoral. People are dying through the spread of Covid.
Time to mandate masks and vaccines internationally. This is insane, barbaric. The only way to stop this pandemic is mandated.

COVID-19’s long-term effects on the brain are causing concern among scientists — among them, Dr. Adam Hampshire. He is a cognitive neuroscientist at Imperial College London. Hampshire’s latest research, published in The Lancet medical journal, associates coronavirus with a decrease in reasoning and problem-solving abilities. He breaks down his findings with Hari Sreenivasan.